Who is Morgan Quattrochi?

My name is Morgan Quattrochi, proud founder of Happiness Personified. I am here to challenge and guide you into learning what you truly want out of life and making sure you get there. 

My journey to finding my best self started many years ago. I am very lucky and blessed with a great family and support system, however; like many, growing up was a roller coaster ride for me. My younger years were amazing, with great family, friends, hobbies, and social life. Once High School came around, I watched all my friends go in different directions from me. I also found myself in a new, huge, school with people I didn’t know - including myself. 

I went through all four years of high school trying to find myself and figure out where I belonged. This continued into college, where it got even worse. My breaking point happened when I was a sophomore in college. I found myself in the darkest place in my life. This is when I realized that I would do anything to help people not feel what I had once felt. 

I ended up transferring closer to my family to Rowan University in South Jersey, where I proudly graduated with my Bachelors Degree in Communication Studies in 2017. At this point in my life, I had a better idea of who I was, and in a much better state of mind… but still in search of what I wanted as a career. I always knew I wanted to help people in some way, but didn’t think I was “qualified” enough to do so. 

I currently work for a Property Management staffing company, where I have great friends, made great connections, and am learning what the corporate world is like.  There is truly no greater feeling than building a relationship with my candidates - hearing their stories, learning about their families, and hopefully finding them their dream job. I want to experience that feeling as much as I can.

After much research and debate, I decided that becoming a Certified Life Coach was what I was put on this Earth to do. I enrolled myself in an amazing program through Life Purpose Institute and received my certification in May of 2020. I am very excited to help people find their calling in life, and help them feel that they are living to their full potential. 

I hope that together, we can find your happiness in life. 
